At Morse Pond School Library, students receive two grades each semester: one for performance and one for effort. The grade given for effort each semester is based on the rubric provided on the other link on the Library Grading Policy page. Their performance grades are based on the many factors. In Term 1, students “test scores” average consist of their grades on their Summer Reading Assignments and one quiz on a Battle of the Book title that they have read during the first semester. Students are also given a daily grade each time they come to library based on the skill that is being taught for that day: Scavenger Hunt for finding items in the library, Logging Into Destiny, Battle Team Meeting and Collaboration, Utilizing the Extended Features in Destiny, Preparing for Author’s Visit, The Common Assessment, to name a few. Daily grades may vary from class to class depending on if the library is collaborating with the classroom teacher on a specific lesson. The daily grade is based on a scale of 1-10, reflecting the students’ effort in completing the task at hand for the day. The grade also consists of how students utilize their time during circulation (some wise choices that we discuss and give reminders on are: meeting with your battle team, checking out, using Destiny account to hold, renew or review books or to get a call number for an item, taking a Battle of the Books quiz, reading quietly, and discussing any concerns or questions with the library teacher).
If you should have any questions or concerns in regards to the grading policy, please feel free to email me at: [email protected]